Orthos Logos, straight-making, like John did

Dear Lord, Kuyrie, thank you for having your message in this book. This book that we can read and talk to others about. These messages from your direct son, whom you sent down to dwell with us.

It is ironic that in the Areopagus the people spent their time only talking and hearing of something new, Acts 17:21. The only true metanoia is baptism through christ. Through the water and the spirit, lesst we be born again. And Paul told them something truly new. This god that they knew to be unknown was known, he is the father, the father of Jesus. And through that relation we may know him. That is the greatest bridge to you, the father-son phenomena you gifted all of us with. Jesus, please guide me to be as you were in living for and within the will of your father, the foundation of his kingdom come. 

You who already know before I ask. How magnificent Jesus' uncanny statement of raising up the temple in three days. His body raising, setting forth the new temple for all of the future. What a glory this kingdom will be. Millenia on millenia of Godly joy and fellowship. Kingdom come. In John 2:20, that pharisee speculation not matching with the pure transcendence only your son could hold, in his direct relation to you. 

τοῦ ναοῦ τοῦ σώματος αὐτοῦ (the temple of the body of-him). To raise such a temple, such an illustration... These words of yours, you in spirit. The words, the letters of Jesus as symbol and he is risen as word. Lord you speak to me and to your kingdom in such ways. Cards are no thing for a serious man to engage himself in. I want to be the guy who goes "aha! you want to play? Alas, this is just what I spend all my time practicing! You have chosen the wrong fellow!" As would a man who plays a lot of poker say if entering into a negotiation for a used car, so would I like to be a man whose confronted with the ultimate encounter, that my joy-readiness might be teeming out with and for the kingdom of the father. 

That would be my telos, at least, though I am not certain what control has to do in that regard. Orientation is where I stand, building house on rock as in Matthew. Aha! I say, I found out my house is on rock! And I pray fervently my house is not on sand. For only God the father of Jesus can make it so that my house turns out to have been on rock and not alternatively on sand. So I would spend my time studying foundations and asking and trying at the ears to hear these words, this gleaming truth. Praying for courage when courage is to have its due. 

Costly grace... still I find joy in you and this death you call us to. Otherwise I have no concept of joy and whatever I've tacked on the symbol 'joy' to in my mind is phantom in and of self. You are the joy maker, you cause the beauty to have its effevescence. 

I dont want to tell and hear of mere καινότερον (new), as were the pre-pauline areopagites. I am teeming with the excitement of the Paul about to speak, just when the muscles in his throat tense, just when he is fixing to disrupt and cause pause in the scuttle commotion of that busy areopagus. 

Ἄνδρες Ἀθηναῖοι, Men of Athens, he is destined to proclaim, his voice ringing out. That will stand as the entry to the speech to end all speeches for this new blooded athenians, that they may have the pathway to life eternal through repentence, μετανοεῖν, to repent, the comman Paul carries as testimony to Christ. The act we are to know is the right action we are called to imitate. We must know this. This must orient all of our knowledge. There is no dictionary before this truth. Starting with the word, the logos, God the father, the word, the world made by his word. 

Metanoia has nothing beyond God's way with it.
